Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm back you Alien loving pagans!

As the end swiftly approaches I am once again compelled to write. I’ve tried writing these sermonettes more than once in hopes of articulating the messages in my heart but every time I have somehow managed to fall short. In my attempts to appeal to the masses and make my messages more commercial, I now realize that I’ve cheated myself and everyone who may have had an ear to hear—and I apologize. It was stupid of me to think that I can make this a feel good message and to succumb to the same itching ears that fall prey to so many prosperity and wellness gospels that already exist. My messages remain difficult, offensive at times, and as always far removed from the mainstream.

I haven’t had a reason to come back on here since my messages regarding the identity of the Antichrist continues to serve its purpose and all prophecies discussed within those videos continue to come to fruition (search "Lueyduey Antichrist Revealed" on youtube to view them.) But the world continues to fall apart at an even more alarming rate than two years ago. The American dollar continues to hang in the balance and the scales can be tipped at any given moment to fulfill the days when a day’s wages will only buy a bit of bread (Rev 6:6.) As dictators continue to fall, the world is making way for global unification towards one purpose and one leader. Natural disasters have continued to rock our existence, both begging us to reconsider the meaning of our fickle lives and helping us understand once and for all that humans are not in control. As far as my videos go and their main subject matter regarding the UFO deception, many things have taken place since the last video was made.

1. The number of sightings have shot up exponentially, and within the last two and a half to three years, there has been an unprecedented amount of video footage to support some of the most major sightings—please note that prior to these there have only been the old shaky out of focus camera problems that were easily debunked. Please see July 7th UFO in China, The Blue Spiral of Norway, and The Jerusalem UFO. And as I’m releasing this note, WorldStarHiphop has released a compilation of the craziest sightings in these past few years. The videos have gone viral in the urban community and prompted me to release this in writing rather than video form to speed up its delivery.

2. The amount of Hollywood material regarding UFO’s have been astounding. It's NOT just a trend. Paul, District 9, Battle LA, Mars Needs Moms, Planet 51, V, The Event, The Fourth Kind, Falling Skies, The Knowing (sorry to ruin the ending but Nicolas Cage’s kid gets zipped up in a UFO at the end) and many more. Remember their purpose is to offer embellished versions of the real “Aliens” in order to facilitate our acceptance of them when the mother ship finally lands.

3. Stephen Hawking’s Discovery channel special about life on other planets, entitled “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking: Aliens” has shifted this entire UFO debate from the X-Files to pop culture. It is now not only okay to think there is life on other planets, it’s become plain stupid and archaic if you don’t think there’s life on other planets. It’s literally become akin to believing in a flat earth if you question the existence of other beings in the universe. The UFO’s actually making it here and visiting us is still fringe stuff, but it’s definitely on the fringe of the fringe. Add to this, other television series such as “UFO Hunters” and “Ancient Aliens” and you have more than enough of the population primed to accept their Martian brothers. To quote Hawking’s opening statement for his Discovery Channel special: “Wherever I go in the world people ask me, do aliens exist? It’s a good question because it cuts to the heart of how we see our place in the Universe.” He then proceeds to show the likelihood of alien life by explaining how small and insignificant we are as a planet. If you think evolution stripped away purpose and morality from life, just wait until this becomes popular thought.

4. And the most compelling event that is propelling the end times storyline is the conference held by military retirees at the end of September in 2010 in which retired military officers spoke about consistent UFO contact at nuclear weapons bases. These respected officers have put their reputations on the line in order tell us that aliens have been in contact with them and have disrupted many nuclear operations. They show extreme concern with our use of nukes. The storyline will continue as Japan suffers its nuclear debacle.

What is this storyline? Let me get you caught up.

The man who I peg as the coming Antichrist, my number one candidate, if these are indeed the last days (the Beast from the Sea), is Claude Rael, leader of the Raelian movement. In following the idea laid out in my last video regarding the fake birth (, the history during the times of the second World War will be mirrored during our times.

Rael writes in his book, the majority of which was a re-interpretation of the Bible by the alien leader that took Rael on his flyer saucer (who also turns out to be his daddy), he writes in it that his birth was directly linked to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The alien people, as our direct creators (so they teach), were distressed that we had discovered and unleashed weapons of mass annihilation. They regretted allowing us to reach this point and basically vowed that it would never happen again—in other words, a nuclear holocaust will never happen as long as they are watching over us. And so, they decided to artificially conceive their own prophet that year on December 25th 1945 (You crazy Christians have a couple more years of Christmas celebration before Saturnalia comes back full force). On September 30th 1946, Claude Rael was born. Chosen to usher in the age when we are one with our creators once more (that’s the alien people, if you haven’t figured it out yet) he has been on a campaign since the late 70’s to have a UFO embassy built at the site of Jewish temple that was destroyed in A.D. 70. Solomon’s temple was the first UFO embassy, Rael teaches. The aliens (or as he calls them the Elohim) would like nothing more than to be directly accepted by their chosen people—who Rael teaches are both the Palestinians and Israelis as they are all one genetically and were created as one race. But after enough rejection, the aliens have now decided that they will choose another site to have their embassy—China. So a campaign by the UFO people began on July 7th 2010. They would continue to make appearances in China’s skies until eventually they are forced to not only accept their existence, but also heed the words of Rael and his request for an embassy. This does not however change their love for the Palestinians and Israelis. This was indeed the story behind the ufo that recently descended on the Dome of the Rock. It was one last gesture, one last plea before shifting their entire focus onto China. And that’s it, you’re all caught up.

As the pace of these end time events speed up, you may feel like I might actually be on to something. Please do not be afraid to ask questions. God bless.