Real quick. Something set me off today...
The sad truth is a church is only as good as its leaders. It's just the structure of the universe. Don't be naive about this. You have Jim Jones leading the masses into suicide. Were they all stupid? You have Hitler leading an entire nation to murder. Were all Nazis boneheads? It's the reason leaders have a far greater burden than followers. Do you think the majority of the military is republican because of independent research? Do you think the majority of college educated people are humanists because their professors had no part? The more you know, the more gifts you're given, the more responsibility you have. The Bible says that if a teacher teaches something crazy, and you listen to it, the teacher will get far more flack from the good Lord than you would for following. See, because the teacher is the one that should have known better. You could say accurately that this world is made up of two types of people: followers and leaders. So how should they be appointed if it's so important?
Moses was overwhelmed with leadership duties and God told him:
Take you wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you.
This is one of MANY passages that offer criteria for leadership. It's an excellent starting point though. Heck, I doubt you'll have an easy time finding a handful of people you know that would fulfill those three things.
WISE: NOT booksmart. There is a difference. You can't teach this. Some would say it only comes with experience.
UNDERSTANDING: Is this a "people person"? Can he connect emotionally with everyone around him? Or can you not approach this person because "he never understands." You can't teach this either.
KNOWN AMONG YOUR TRIBES or RESPECTED: Can't teach this especially. You earn respect. You could also look at this as "popular." Don't think of it in a shallow high school sense. But really evaluate this characteristic within this person. If this person was introduced as the new leader would some in the congregation say "who's that guy?" Or would they instead, say "this man, I've heard of. He has an excellent reputation."
Now think of all the youth pastors, assistant pastors, or even pastors that were recently appointed in your church. If you took a poll, would it be UNANIMOUS that that person fulfills these requirements for leadership? I'd like to end with saying "you'll be surprised" but that wouldn't be accurate. You're probably thinking, "Why is this person a leader here?"
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Let's Talk About Love: The Meaning of Life
No wild man diatribe today. Let's just talk about love. Hopefully you've read one of my previous blogs entitled "Christianity is Hard (like gangsta hard)." A simple yet lonely call to bring back the concept of tough love. I don't want to minimize the importance of that so I do encourage you to read it. But I'd like to soften things up a bit.
I often tell those around me that I know the meaning of life. As long as they don't suspect me of pulling out a Bible and proselytizing on the spot, they usually bite. "What is the meaning of life?" they scoff. Then I tell them what I'll tell you now. "Two words and they mean the same thing: Love and God. That's the meaning of life."
After going all "Deepak Chopra" on their behinds, they usually want me to explain myself. But inevitably, we get to the God of the Bible and my intent audience runs for the exits. So how do I elaborate and explain such a lofty statement? "Two words and they mean the same thing: Love and God. That's the meaning of life." Can I explain it? I can try. But after years as a disciple of Christ, I've (reluctantly) come to the conclusion that I can't argue, explain, preach, or reason anyone into the kingdom of God. My words only do so much. Everything begins and ends with love and that's the only true way in which we can draw others into the kingdom.
28 Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving[a] that He had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?”
29 Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. 30 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’[b] This is the first commandment.[c] 31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Speaking to my brothers and sisters in Christ (as I am prophesying), you may be very familiar with this passage. You may have heard sermons illustrating each of the elements of love towards God. Your heart, soul, mind and strength. And if you haven't, go google it now. It's great stuff. However, I'd like to draw your attention to the question asked and the manner in which it was answered. The scribe asked him quite plainly, "Out of ALL the commandments, which ONE is the greatest?" So in response, Jesus gives number one and then can't help but give number two. It's almost as if they're inseparable. And in a sense, they are inseparable because out of your intense, all out, full blown love for your Creator God, you inevitably love your neighbor as yourself. But here's some info that might be of interest to you. News flash: Christianity is not about self. Maybe you've heard it taught that to "love your neighbor as yourself" you must take care of their basic needs. Simply, as you care for your hunger, your need for shelter, etc., so you should as well care for your neighbors'. I will contend, though, that it is deeper than that.
Jesus died and resurrected. We died to be born again. We're born again to be one with the Lord: we were adopted into our Father's family and are now in His bloodline; the Holy Spirit is alive in us; and as the bride of Christ we are in/under Jesus. We are no longer "ourselves" because we've been bought with His blood. The connection I make is this. We should not just love our neighbors as ourselves, but we should love them as we love Jesus.
Am I committing an atrocious heresy here by adding to scripture? No siree.
Matthew 25:37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
Pretty self explanatory. Now let's use some algebraic skills and redefine some things in a Christian post resurrection context. If the second greatest commandment is inseparable from the first greatest commandment and defined as "like it" or "similar" and serving your neighbor is like/similar to serving Christ and you are no longer your own person and you are to love your neighbor as yourself..whew...then logically the command is more like the following: love your neighbor as you love Jesus. Notice now how it makes more sense when Jesus answers the scribe's question. Jesus, being God, naturally follows (or teams with) the commandment to love the Lord your God with everything you have.
Back to the original topic--don't worry we haven't strayed in the least. What's the meaning of life? Two words but they mean the same: God and Love. Sure I can sum this all up with 1John 4:8 stating "God is Love." But still, for those non Christians following along, it's still pretty vague. Let's try this...
1 Corinthians 13:4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails.
Ah, the characteristics of true love. Slapping modern day definitions of love in the face, and then bending them over for a spanking just for good measure. It confesses the shortcomings of all humans and our inability to treat anyone decently. We'll fall short, excuse me, we'll sin constantly. Who can keep this list and never fail? That's right. Only God. But look at verse 8. "Love never fails." But which is it, God or Love? Well, both. Love and God--they mean the same thing.
Back to our reevaluation of the second greatest commandment. "Love your neighbor as Jesus" says Lueyduey the uneducated theologian. So what is the meaning of life? Two words: God and Love, but they mean the same thing.
Now a new commandment I give you. Well, not me, but God. Let's hear it Lord:
John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
If you haven't already jumped to is this commandment different from what we've examined? It may seem crazy but Christ was able to elevate the call to love even higher than "love your neighbor as yourself" or "love your neighbor as Jesus." How so? Well now he asks us Christians to love one another as Christ loved us. Remember again the real meaning of love as defined by 1 Corinthians 13. Is any fallen human able to perfectly love as the passage calls us to. Can you "think no evil" or as some versions say "keep no record of wrongs"? No. Again only God can. And He's calling us to have this love for our brethren.
So on one level God calls us to love our neighbor as we love Him. Whatever our humanity will allow. But now the love that we should have for our brothers and sisters in Christ, should exceed that. Whatever we have left, whatever we are able to tap into, we are to attempt to love perfectly like Jesus loved us--when it comes to the church. Let's break it down.
1. Love God with your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
2. Love your neighbor as you love Christ.
?. Love the church as Christ loves you.
What is the meaning of life? Two words and they mean the same thing: Love and God. That's the meaning of life. You were put here on this earth to love. The truest form of that was exemplified when Jesus went to the cross to die for our sins. Please understand that I'm not alluding to some mushy feeling when I speak of love. I'm talking about self sacrifice. The only reason you were created was to spend eternity with God. The only reason you were given life was to sacrifice it. The only reason you were created was to love and be in Love. They all mean the same thing.
Tune in next time when I link all this crazy love stuff with...evangelism. Gasp.
I often tell those around me that I know the meaning of life. As long as they don't suspect me of pulling out a Bible and proselytizing on the spot, they usually bite. "What is the meaning of life?" they scoff. Then I tell them what I'll tell you now. "Two words and they mean the same thing: Love and God. That's the meaning of life."
After going all "Deepak Chopra" on their behinds, they usually want me to explain myself. But inevitably, we get to the God of the Bible and my intent audience runs for the exits. So how do I elaborate and explain such a lofty statement? "Two words and they mean the same thing: Love and God. That's the meaning of life." Can I explain it? I can try. But after years as a disciple of Christ, I've (reluctantly) come to the conclusion that I can't argue, explain, preach, or reason anyone into the kingdom of God. My words only do so much. Everything begins and ends with love and that's the only true way in which we can draw others into the kingdom.
28 Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving[a] that He had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?”
29 Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. 30 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’[b] This is the first commandment.[c] 31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Speaking to my brothers and sisters in Christ (as I am prophesying), you may be very familiar with this passage. You may have heard sermons illustrating each of the elements of love towards God. Your heart, soul, mind and strength. And if you haven't, go google it now. It's great stuff. However, I'd like to draw your attention to the question asked and the manner in which it was answered. The scribe asked him quite plainly, "Out of ALL the commandments, which ONE is the greatest?" So in response, Jesus gives number one and then can't help but give number two. It's almost as if they're inseparable. And in a sense, they are inseparable because out of your intense, all out, full blown love for your Creator God, you inevitably love your neighbor as yourself. But here's some info that might be of interest to you. News flash: Christianity is not about self. Maybe you've heard it taught that to "love your neighbor as yourself" you must take care of their basic needs. Simply, as you care for your hunger, your need for shelter, etc., so you should as well care for your neighbors'. I will contend, though, that it is deeper than that.
Jesus died and resurrected. We died to be born again. We're born again to be one with the Lord: we were adopted into our Father's family and are now in His bloodline; the Holy Spirit is alive in us; and as the bride of Christ we are in/under Jesus. We are no longer "ourselves" because we've been bought with His blood. The connection I make is this. We should not just love our neighbors as ourselves, but we should love them as we love Jesus.
Am I committing an atrocious heresy here by adding to scripture? No siree.
Matthew 25:37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
Pretty self explanatory. Now let's use some algebraic skills and redefine some things in a Christian post resurrection context. If the second greatest commandment is inseparable from the first greatest commandment and defined as "like it" or "similar" and serving your neighbor is like/similar to serving Christ and you are no longer your own person and you are to love your neighbor as yourself..whew...then logically the command is more like the following: love your neighbor as you love Jesus. Notice now how it makes more sense when Jesus answers the scribe's question. Jesus, being God, naturally follows (or teams with) the commandment to love the Lord your God with everything you have.
Back to the original topic--don't worry we haven't strayed in the least. What's the meaning of life? Two words but they mean the same: God and Love. Sure I can sum this all up with 1John 4:8 stating "God is Love." But still, for those non Christians following along, it's still pretty vague. Let's try this...
1 Corinthians 13:4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails.
Ah, the characteristics of true love. Slapping modern day definitions of love in the face, and then bending them over for a spanking just for good measure. It confesses the shortcomings of all humans and our inability to treat anyone decently. We'll fall short, excuse me, we'll sin constantly. Who can keep this list and never fail? That's right. Only God. But look at verse 8. "Love never fails." But which is it, God or Love? Well, both. Love and God--they mean the same thing.
Back to our reevaluation of the second greatest commandment. "Love your neighbor as Jesus" says Lueyduey the uneducated theologian. So what is the meaning of life? Two words: God and Love, but they mean the same thing.
Now a new commandment I give you. Well, not me, but God. Let's hear it Lord:
John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
If you haven't already jumped to is this commandment different from what we've examined? It may seem crazy but Christ was able to elevate the call to love even higher than "love your neighbor as yourself" or "love your neighbor as Jesus." How so? Well now he asks us Christians to love one another as Christ loved us. Remember again the real meaning of love as defined by 1 Corinthians 13. Is any fallen human able to perfectly love as the passage calls us to. Can you "think no evil" or as some versions say "keep no record of wrongs"? No. Again only God can. And He's calling us to have this love for our brethren.
So on one level God calls us to love our neighbor as we love Him. Whatever our humanity will allow. But now the love that we should have for our brothers and sisters in Christ, should exceed that. Whatever we have left, whatever we are able to tap into, we are to attempt to love perfectly like Jesus loved us--when it comes to the church. Let's break it down.
1. Love God with your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
2. Love your neighbor as you love Christ.
?. Love the church as Christ loves you.
What is the meaning of life? Two words and they mean the same thing: Love and God. That's the meaning of life. You were put here on this earth to love. The truest form of that was exemplified when Jesus went to the cross to die for our sins. Please understand that I'm not alluding to some mushy feeling when I speak of love. I'm talking about self sacrifice. The only reason you were created was to spend eternity with God. The only reason you were given life was to sacrifice it. The only reason you were created was to love and be in Love. They all mean the same thing.
Tune in next time when I link all this crazy love stuff with...evangelism. Gasp.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Proposition 8. What's Up With This Gay Stuff?
Before I begin, let me direct you to some research done by our friends at focus on the family.
If you don't feel like reading it. It basically presents a few hypotheses and expounds on them. For example, if homosexuality is normal (i.e., you are born that way) and they desire the same marriage rights as the rest of us then we should see the following behaviors in the homosexual community that are similar, if not identical, to the heterosexual community:
1. For those states where homosexual marriage is allowed, we should see a similar percentage take advantage of marriage.
2. We should also see a similar percentage of couples desiring lifelong monogamy and exclusivity.
What you'll find fascinating in the article is that neither 1 nor 2 are confirmed in the research. Let me simplify further...if the gay community is fighting so hard (some literally fighting) to get marriage rights, why aren't they taking advantage of it? And for the few that do, why'd they even bother getting married if they end up having an open marriage and sexing up other people in five years time or less?
Here's a brief quote from the article:
"In The Male Couple, authors David P. McWhirter and Andrew M. Mattison reported that, in a study of 156 males in homosexual relationships lasting from one to thirty-seven years:
Only seven couples have a totally exclusive sexual relationship, and these men all have been together for less than five years. Stated another way, all couples with a relationship lasting more than five years have incorporated some provision for outside sexual activity in their relationships."
Let me be blunt about what I've found regarding homosexual behavior then tell you why I believe the issue has been in the forefront of the fight against Christians for so long. Look at that quote again. It's not surprising that monogamy is nearly impossible for them. *(By the way, if the research you've done regarding this matter consists of watching Ellen or reading Perez Hilton, than I suggest you do more before you come yelling at me). Let me hold back prophesying for another couple paragraphs and say that if homosexual behavior is the result of a traumatic sexual experience during the individual's youth in which that person's sexuality or sexual identity was robbed, then it can be understood why they are unable to remain monogamous. See, a gay man goes to find other men to fill that void and to (in essence) take back the manhood that was taken from him as a child. And of course he will never be able to do so and in the meantime he finds that the partner he is currently with doesn't do the job either. So it's back to searching. Some have sex with hundreds of different men in their search for their lost sexuality, some over a thousand. So in regards to prop 8 the question still stands as to why they are fighting for this. Why is this so important? The reason is simple. They want to be "recognized" as normal. That they are born gay. Even though the people of California have spoken, they seek this "vindication." It's obvious that's where we differ. To them it's natural and they want everyone to agree on that. But we don't and that's what this fight is really about.
Or have we only scratched the surface?
As one of the Bible totin' Christians out there, I've always wondered why it was ever such a huge issue in the evangelical world. I mean, "Thou shall not be gay" didn't even make the ten commandments but they sure made it seem that way. Honestly, during my formative years as a Christian, the issues seemed to be "save marriage" and "save Christmas." I felt like there were more important issues so eventually I jumped off of this evangelical bandwagon. Now, however, the issue has come back to the forefront for me.
The word intolerant gets flung around often when dealing with this subject. Indeed it's become the greatest sin in the world for nonbelievers. The difficulty is that logical and honest debate is no longer the norm in our society. If it were, I would contend that my actions are far more tolerant than those who claim that I am intolerant. For example, if you happen to believe that homosexuals are born gay, you have most likely either stopped reading this blog entry or you are boiling with hatred towards me and my "hate speech." If you saw me on the street you would not be inclined to come and shake my hand and say "hey, I read your blogs. I disagree with them wholeheartedly but hey, we're all homies right?" probably don't like me much. You're definitely intolerant of people like me and you don't think I should exist. Do you see the irony here? Who is really full of hate? Who is really intolerant? I don't hate any gay person out there. I don't think for a second that you have no right to exist, no matter how many partners you've had or how many little old Christian women you've harrassed at your rallies. I still have love for you. I'd still have dinner with you, hug you, shake your hand, laugh with you. Would you do the same with me?
Here's my main point (finally)!! I'm not against gay marriage because it would pervert the sanctity of marriage. I think marriage has already been perverted with the teachings of the church, but that's another blog. I'm against gay marriage because the real agenda at work is to further normalize the behavior. By doing so, anyone who stands against it is guilty of hate speech. They want everyone in the world to admit that homosexuality is normal and gay people aren't messed up. Whoever disagrees needs to be shut down along with the religion they take part in (unless you're Muslim then you're fine because we don't want to make them victims of hate speech and speak against them, oh no...
THIS WILL BE THE MANNER IN WHICH CHRISTIANS WILL BE DRIVEN UNDERGROUND. So get ready for jail time, get ready for blacklists everywhere. Pastors looking for a new building to house your growing congregations...better start focusing on discipleship and raising up leaders for smaller house gatherings instead, because your building will be shut down if you call homosexuality a sin. This is not going to be years and years from now. It's happening sooner than you think.
If you don't feel like reading it. It basically presents a few hypotheses and expounds on them. For example, if homosexuality is normal (i.e., you are born that way) and they desire the same marriage rights as the rest of us then we should see the following behaviors in the homosexual community that are similar, if not identical, to the heterosexual community:
1. For those states where homosexual marriage is allowed, we should see a similar percentage take advantage of marriage.
2. We should also see a similar percentage of couples desiring lifelong monogamy and exclusivity.
What you'll find fascinating in the article is that neither 1 nor 2 are confirmed in the research. Let me simplify further...if the gay community is fighting so hard (some literally fighting) to get marriage rights, why aren't they taking advantage of it? And for the few that do, why'd they even bother getting married if they end up having an open marriage and sexing up other people in five years time or less?
Here's a brief quote from the article:
"In The Male Couple, authors David P. McWhirter and Andrew M. Mattison reported that, in a study of 156 males in homosexual relationships lasting from one to thirty-seven years:
Only seven couples have a totally exclusive sexual relationship, and these men all have been together for less than five years. Stated another way, all couples with a relationship lasting more than five years have incorporated some provision for outside sexual activity in their relationships."
Let me be blunt about what I've found regarding homosexual behavior then tell you why I believe the issue has been in the forefront of the fight against Christians for so long. Look at that quote again. It's not surprising that monogamy is nearly impossible for them. *(By the way, if the research you've done regarding this matter consists of watching Ellen or reading Perez Hilton, than I suggest you do more before you come yelling at me). Let me hold back prophesying for another couple paragraphs and say that if homosexual behavior is the result of a traumatic sexual experience during the individual's youth in which that person's sexuality or sexual identity was robbed, then it can be understood why they are unable to remain monogamous. See, a gay man goes to find other men to fill that void and to (in essence) take back the manhood that was taken from him as a child. And of course he will never be able to do so and in the meantime he finds that the partner he is currently with doesn't do the job either. So it's back to searching. Some have sex with hundreds of different men in their search for their lost sexuality, some over a thousand. So in regards to prop 8 the question still stands as to why they are fighting for this. Why is this so important? The reason is simple. They want to be "recognized" as normal. That they are born gay. Even though the people of California have spoken, they seek this "vindication." It's obvious that's where we differ. To them it's natural and they want everyone to agree on that. But we don't and that's what this fight is really about.
Or have we only scratched the surface?
As one of the Bible totin' Christians out there, I've always wondered why it was ever such a huge issue in the evangelical world. I mean, "Thou shall not be gay" didn't even make the ten commandments but they sure made it seem that way. Honestly, during my formative years as a Christian, the issues seemed to be "save marriage" and "save Christmas." I felt like there were more important issues so eventually I jumped off of this evangelical bandwagon. Now, however, the issue has come back to the forefront for me.
The word intolerant gets flung around often when dealing with this subject. Indeed it's become the greatest sin in the world for nonbelievers. The difficulty is that logical and honest debate is no longer the norm in our society. If it were, I would contend that my actions are far more tolerant than those who claim that I am intolerant. For example, if you happen to believe that homosexuals are born gay, you have most likely either stopped reading this blog entry or you are boiling with hatred towards me and my "hate speech." If you saw me on the street you would not be inclined to come and shake my hand and say "hey, I read your blogs. I disagree with them wholeheartedly but hey, we're all homies right?" probably don't like me much. You're definitely intolerant of people like me and you don't think I should exist. Do you see the irony here? Who is really full of hate? Who is really intolerant? I don't hate any gay person out there. I don't think for a second that you have no right to exist, no matter how many partners you've had or how many little old Christian women you've harrassed at your rallies. I still have love for you. I'd still have dinner with you, hug you, shake your hand, laugh with you. Would you do the same with me?
Here's my main point (finally)!! I'm not against gay marriage because it would pervert the sanctity of marriage. I think marriage has already been perverted with the teachings of the church, but that's another blog. I'm against gay marriage because the real agenda at work is to further normalize the behavior. By doing so, anyone who stands against it is guilty of hate speech. They want everyone in the world to admit that homosexuality is normal and gay people aren't messed up. Whoever disagrees needs to be shut down along with the religion they take part in (unless you're Muslim then you're fine because we don't want to make them victims of hate speech and speak against them, oh no...
THIS WILL BE THE MANNER IN WHICH CHRISTIANS WILL BE DRIVEN UNDERGROUND. So get ready for jail time, get ready for blacklists everywhere. Pastors looking for a new building to house your growing congregations...better start focusing on discipleship and raising up leaders for smaller house gatherings instead, because your building will be shut down if you call homosexuality a sin. This is not going to be years and years from now. It's happening sooner than you think.
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